BSE News

Friday, June 6, 2008

Worldwide, the Mutual Fund, or Unit Trust as it is called in some parts of the world, has a long and successfulhistory. The popularity of the Mutual Fund has increased manifold. In developed financial markets, like the United States, Mutual Funds have almost overtaken bank deposits and total assets of insurance funds. As of date, in the US alone there are over 5,000 Mutual Funds with total assets of over US $ 3 trillion (Rs. 100 lakh crores). In India,the Mutual Fund industry started with the setting up of Unit Trust of India in 1964. Public sector banks and financial institutions began to establish Mutual Funds in 1987. The private sector and foreign institutions were allowed to set up Mutual Funds in 1993. Today, there are 36 Mutual Funds and over 200 schemes with total assets of approximately Rs. 81,000 crores. This fast growing industry is regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI).
What is a mutual fund?
What are the types of mutual fund schemes?
Why should you invest in mutual funds?
How do you understand and manage risk?
How to invest in mutual funds?
What are your rights as a mutual fund unitholder?

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